Hassan Musa: The good pain, Acrylics on textile

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Hassan Musa, The good pain
Hassan Musa
The good pain
2007 - Acrylics on textile - 200 x 180cm

Le texte inscrit sur l’oeuvre est le suivant :

1. Fully load roller by dipping deep into tray. Carry as much paint to surface as possible.
2. Make in a  small 2 feet by 2 feet area with a generous roller load of paint.
3. Fill  in the spread paint him side to side. Lightly smooth out with vertical strokes.

L’iconographie fait référence au tableau de Jean-François Millet « Les Glâneuses» (1857), conservé au Musée d’Orsay (Paris). Ici les glâneuses ne ramassent pas du blé mais portent des pots de peintures d’une main et peignent de l’autre. Hassan Musa pose la problématique contemporaine « qu’est ce que la bonne peinture ? » en jouant sur la consonnance entre “The Good pain” et “The Good paint”.

Here is the text written on the painting :

1. Fully load roller by dipping deep into tray. Carry as much paint to surface as possible.
2. Make in a  small 2 feet by 2 feet area with a generous roller load of paint.
3. Fill  in the spread paint him side to side. Lightly smooth out with vertical strokes.

The iconography refers to the work of Jean-François Millet “The gleaners” (1857) Orsay Museum, Paris.
Here, the gleaners do not collect wheat but they hold tins of paint in one hand, and paint with the other hand. Musa ask a contemporary question “what is the good painting?”  by playing with the  similar sounding between “The good pain “ and “The Good paint”.